Service German PVC

German Style PVC windows in the Western Cape

Our doubled glazed PVC windows are burglar proof with double security glass and offer the best heat & noise insulation available.

Double glazed PVC windows

PVC windows require basically no maintenance

Heat & Noise Insulation

PVC windows seal out heat and noise by using a multi chamber mechanism with all around points of pressure

Security Glass

Double glazed security glass keeps you save without the need for burglar bars

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About us

Brining German quality windows to Cape Town since 1998

ServiceGerman-was founded by Jörn S. Merkel, a German qualified aircraft mechanic, in 1998. Jörn is since personally leading hands-on his small team of dedicated workers, to ensure swift, accurate and clean fulfillment of all projects.

Being a member of the Helderberg Rotary Sunrise Club for many years, Jörn applies the Rotarian principles to his business: “ Is it fair to all concerned!?”
We understand, that renovating houses or exchanging pvc windows is always a big interference into the privacy of the home owners. Respecting the clients needs and his budget Jörn is focusing on the job and striving towards a full serviced, clean job- 100 %. ServiceGerman sticks to the written quotes and gives a satisfactory guarantee.